Monday, June 23, 2008

The always-rational environmental wing - Fox News: NASA wacko defines free speech that he disagrees with as 'high crimes against humanity.' Reality based.

More - From Newsbusters.


  1. Anonymous4:21 AM

    ... to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic...

    From the oath of enlistment.

  2. Anonymous7:38 PM

    What's the sentence for being on the wrong side of a scientific debate? Galileo got house arrest but perhaps burning at the stake is more appropriate.

  3. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Oh joy, another round of "focus on the rhetoric and ignore the issue." How rare.

    There's one energy baron who will escape the imaginary purge. Jim Rogers, CEO of major coal burners Duke Energy and chairman of the industry's energy committee, who advocates a federal carbon cap and says, "I could see that the [global warming] science was persuasive."

    His advice to fellow energy moguls: "Get out ahead of it. If you're not at the table, you're on the menu."

  4. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Haw, haw, you have to laugh at those wackos and their psychotic fixation on a North Pole that has ice:

  5. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Hyukity yuk yuk, somebody should tell those Okie loony-tunes that what they're seeing is just normal fluctuation:
