Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wishful thinking, at best - Politico says: "GOP strategists mull McCain 'blowout'" which assumes a GOP pickup in Michigan. Good luck with that.


  1. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Direct from John Harris of The Politico:
    "As leaders of a new publication, Politico’s senior editors and I are relentlessly focused on audience traffic. The way to build traffic on the Web is to get links from other websites. The way to get links is to be first with news - sometimes big news, sometimes small - that drives that day’s conversation. We are unapologetic in our premium on high velocity."

    McCain zooms way up! Lotsa hits! McCain plunges back down! Lots more hits! McCain marries an armadillo! Hits, hits, hits!

    Nothing more to consider here.

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    The Detroit scandals and complete disaster that is the Michigan Democratic party may take Obama down with them.
