Saturday, May 31, 2008

Obama quits his church, joins a mosque - Well, not really on the second part...for now. From NY Times: "Senator Barack Obama is ending his membership at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, a congregation he has belonged to for about two decades and one that had become a lightning rod in his Democratic presidential bid."

Wasn't this the same church he could "no more disown" than he could his grandmother? It's getting crowded under that bus.

Extra - Flopping Aces "Obama runs from Trinity": "Why now? Has the church suddenly changed from when you joined 20 years ago? No, it has not. Instead, its become a political albatross. So you, being that typical politician, have jettisoned it."

More - Gateway Pundit has updates from Obama's speech.

Even more - Jennifer Rubin asks "What took twenty years?": "Well, we can now call Obama's claim that he is devoted to the church and not Wright "inoperative." This seems to undermine the argument of his apologists that there was nothing wrong Trinity United and lots of people attend places with rabbis or ministers with whom they "disagree." Now that it is plain that this church welcomed and celebrated anti-white, anti-woman and anti-Semitic hate speech it is fair to ask why now, why only now would he leave? Well, he's got a general election to run and the old Obama - the one with Rev. Wright and Father Pfleger as mentors - needs to be pushed out of view."


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    "Boo hoo, weep. We really, really wanted this fake issue to still be around in September. Boo hoo hooooo!"

  2. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Yeah, typical, fradulant, ass-face, unemploy(able), jerk-off, whiner, smack-injecter. So much for post racial politics, huh?

    When you fail in November, will you still support your 2nd amendment right to blow your ignorant brains out?

    My treat...


  3. Anonymous12:48 AM

    "Waaaaaahhhhh!!! Why won't everyone smarter than me kill themselves? Then I'D be the smartest!"
