Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Nevermind - Well, they're still counting and recounting in Zimbabwe and dictator Robert Mugabe seems impervious to shame or pressure from other African leaders. Here in Western Massachusetts, the University of Massachusetts is about to correct an error. From the Boston Globe "UMass chief asks degree to be rescinded": "University of Massachusetts president Jack M. Wilson backed growing calls yesterday to rescind an honorary degree awarded to President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, who is facing international scorn and sanctions for his authoritarian regime's bloody campaign against political opponents." It would be the first time that UMass revoked an honorary degree.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:38 AM

    The lack of MSM coverage of this is sick, but not surprising. After all, because he stuck it to whitey, the MSM loves him. Who cares how many people had to die to steal whitey's farms?
