Sunday, May 04, 2008

Hillary's nuclear option - From Swamp Politics: "If Clinton does well or outright wins in Indiana and/or North Carolina this week, if her argument for electability takes hold and if enough party activists are willing to withstand the revolt that would ensue, Clinton could force a vote of the party's bylaws committee to seat the disputed, Clinton-rich delegations of Florida and Michigan and overtake Barack Obama's delegate lead."

Good gravy. It's hilarious how the specter of Bush v. Gore hangs over the Democrats nomination battle: Hillary deploys the "count every vote" mantra while Obama sticks to "listen to the people." No wonder Howard Dean looked like he was about to blow a blood vessel on "Fox News Sunday" this morning. Still, if this special election in Louisiana is any indication, 2008 is going to be a stone-cold Democratic year anyway.

Extra - Here's background from Factcheck on "DNC vs. McCain".

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Remmeber that part where Obama wasn't even on the ballot in MI? She will destroy the Democratic party for her own gain... "Oh but she has my good intentions at heart with her BS gas tax holiday." I forgot.
