Saturday, May 10, 2008

Hey where'd everybody go? - No wonder my traffic has dipped: "These are terrific numbers for McCain. But they aren't enough. In the overall match-up, McCain trailed Obama (43 percent to 46 percent). The explanation for this seeming paradox is quite simple: The Republican base has shrunk. In 2008, there are fewer Republicans."

The GOP is not so grand anymore because it seems constantly on the defensive. The Party needs to define its principles and then forcefully and confidently articulate and defend them. Get scrappy!


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    You should add that they ought to live them too. Those old corupt republicans don't get my support untill they get off the pork train.

  2. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Republican ideology is not corrupt and they don't deal in PORK.

    It is the democrats who 'buy their way into political office'

    The states most in debt are those under democrat leadership. Why? because state payrolls are inflated with every 'friend' or 'relative' that got that one elected. (at taxpayer expense)
    It is democrats who promise road building and other 'junk projects' to thier state (right around election time)

    Democrats: tax tax tax...spend spend spend...and of course, their reasoning is: In America; 'how dare you Mr. Rich Person' be wealthy and take care of your own family? WE YOUR GOVERNMENT will provide for you. (that way, we the government control you...and you remain dependent on 'us')

    It's very clever way to keep a civil service "income." and "power over others"

  3. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Anonymous #2 is, of course, wrong. Talk about mindless cheerleading.

    But as an experiment, let's pretend Anon was right. Let's hear him explain how the alleged "tax and spend" policy is worse or more damaging than the GOP's "borrow and spend" habit.
