Monday, May 05, 2008

Five = Stayin' Alive - Predictions for tomorrow's primaries: Hillary wins Indiana by 5% and Obama wins North Carolina by 5%. The narrower-than-expected loss for Clinton in the Tarheel State means she'll keep on truckin'.

Man, I listen to way too much 70's music. Do the hustle!


  1. Hey love the blog...I am blog surfing looking for new links and hopefully some great blogs to get my link up on...I like interesting and edgy blogs and yours looks like a great match for me! I am going to link to you and would love a reciprical link...thanks Nikki

  2. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Hillary's theme: It's too late, baby, now it's too late.
    Barack's theme: Looks like we made it.
    Bill Clinton's theme: Billy, don't be a hero.
    Cable news' theme: Will it go round in circles?
    Rev. Wright's theme: Jive talkin'.
    The superdelegates' theme: Shaft.
    Bush's theme: You're no good, you're no good, you're no good.
    McCain's theme: What a fool believes.
