Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Do the math

In a silly, empty gesture today Congress succumbed to the pressure of high gas prices by suspending shipments to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The savings are in the bank:

It's uncertain how much effect - if any - putting 70,000 barrels a day of crude onto the U.S. market that uses more than 21 million barrels a day would have.
Earlier in the day, the Democrats in the Senate filibustered a GOP bill (with majority support) to increase production by opening up the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve and certain offshore sites to exploration.

"We can't drill our way to lower prices," said Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill.
Well, the annual investigations of the oil companies haven't helped. Maybe - and I'm just spitballin' here - maybe we should try to increase supply and reduce demand.

More - Thomas Sowell: "No, supply and demand is not too "complex." It is just not very emotionally satisfying."


  1. Anonymous10:13 PM

    "We can't drill our way to lower prices," said Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill.

    Hey, I know. Instead of drilling our way to lower prices, we just keep not-drilling our to even higher prices?

    How about that? Does that sound good? Yeah, let's go with that.


  2. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Durbin meant to say "We WON'T drill our way to lower prices."
    Democrats are happy with high gas prices.

  3. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Dems are against the strategic oil reserve and in favor of being dependent on foreign oil.
    They wonder why we think that they aren't patriotic.

  4. Anonymous12:10 AM

    "Drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge would result, when it's fully implemented 10 or 20 years from now, in one penny per gallon savings," said Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Washington.
    Dems against lowering price of gas even 1 cent!!

  5. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Again with the ANWR. Always the ANWR.

    The Reoublicans: "Our hollow, futile gesture is morally superior to your hollow, futile gesture!"

  6. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Yes, whatever your do, noble, high-minded democrat, don't let anyone actually DO anything substantive. Just keep waxing philosophic about solar panels carpeting the midwest and little windmill hats we can all wear to make ourselves feel better.

    Because that's what it's all really about anyway: feeling better about ourselves.

    ANWR is a part of the solution (gasp), along with new refineries (gasp-gasp) and nuclear power (gasp-gasp-gasp).

    Oh wait. Instead, lets follow the do-nothing surrender-crat plan and do... well... ...nothing.

  7. Guys, I think we may be missing the point here. The problem isn't that we're not drilling enough, it's that we don't have enough refining capacity to process what we've got.
    Let's see....howcome we don't have enough refining capacity? Would it be that we haven't built new or updated facilities for that in nearly 30 years? Gee, I wonder howcome that happened.

    And just because I can't shut up when I'm on a roll, ANWR is a non-issue at this point. The specious arguments posed by the environmentalists that "pipelines damage the population of wildlife in the area" has been firmly disproven, as key species indicators measured along the existing Alaskan Pipeline have grown significantly since its installation.

    What a mystery....

  8. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Has anybody taken out the copyright on "ANWR Derangement Syndrome" yet? You guys are wacked.

  9. Anonymous12:25 PM

    You guys are wacked.

    Actually, no. Rationality just appears wacked to you. You've learned to live with taht affliction, and trust us, we've learned to live with you having that affliction over the last eight years.

  10. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Translation: "I know you think I am, but that's because I'm not and you are, which I know and you don't, so what am I?"

    Rational AND mature. Congratulations.

  11. Anonymous6:40 AM

    A stubborn dead-ender in 22% La-La Land is lecturing the other 78% of Americans about their misunderstanding of proportional, empirical reality? In this case, "stay the course" must refer to taking one's meds.

    You only have to keep up your act until November. "Always leave 'em laughing!"

  12. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Has anybody taken out the copyright on "ANWR Derangement Syndrome" yet? You guys are wacked.


    Rational AND mature. Congratulations.

    Heh. Irony, self-awareness, and consistency: not your strong suits.

  13. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Rational AND mature.
    Irony, self-awareness, and consistency

    Three nouns is one more noun than two nouns, no doubt about it. Another glorious triumph on the imaginary battlefield inside your own head.


    P.S. Trolls who think they're scoring points by typing out their own fake-superior laughter online are always saddos. LOL! ROFL!

  14. Anonymous4:46 PM

    P.S. Trolls who think they're scoring points by typing out their own fake-superior laughter online are always saddos. LOL! ROFL!


    P.S. - Trolls who put postscripts on their comments don't need to be lecturing anyone about their lameness.

  15. Anonymous6:13 AM

    It's not a lecture, it's an intervention.

    But sadly, it's a failed one. Three consecutive variations of "I know YOU are, but what am I?" The natural hat trick! Way to go, Giggles.

  16. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Democrats: " (hey, me gotz new idea, letz do NUTHIN! maybe getz betr?)

  17. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Good choice. ANWRcatz matches your sophistication level.
