Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Another great prediction! - I called a 5% margin for Hillary in Indiana. My North Carolina guess was, um, not as close. Meanwhile, Marc Ambinder notes this stat that might give Howard Dean the sweats: "The percentage of Clinton voters who say they'd choose McCain over Obama in a general election is approaching 40% in Indiana. Put it another way: in North Carolina, less than HALF of folks who voted today for Hillary Clinton are ready to say today that they'd definitely vote for Obama in a general election." OTOH, Jonathan Cohn opines that Democrats will unite in the face of a sputtering economy. Maybe, who knows, but what if the economy (gasp) improves? Oh, boy.

Update - Quote of the night from Paul Begala (via Instapundit): "We cannot win with egg heads." Echoes of Adlai Stevenson who, when told by a supporter that he was the choice of "every thinking man," responded "Thank you, but I need a majority to win."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:52 AM

