Friday, May 23, 2008

Another day, another global warming debunking - Who ya gonna believe, the facts or those lyin' computer models?


  1. Anonymous9:39 AM

    There's so much good work being done to rebut the global warming Chicken Littles. We're very lucky to have the Heartland Institute's much-touted and much-cited "500 Scientists with Documented Doubts of Man-Made Global Warming Scares." Even though one or two of the scientists have quibbled with their inclusion on the list. Well, okay, over 50 of them have. Vehemently. Some of their reactions:

    "I am horrified to find my name on such a list. I have spent the last 20 years arguing the opposite."

    "I have NO doubts. The recent changes in global climate ARE man-induced. I insist that you immediately remove my name from this list since I did not give you permission to put it there."

    "They have taken our ice core research in Wyoming and twisted it to meet their own agenda. This is not science."

    "Because none of my research publications has ever indicated that the global warming is not as a consequence of anthropogenic greenhouse gases, I view that the inclusion of my name in such list without my permission or consensus has damaged my professional reputation as an atmospheric scientist."

    "Please remove my name. What you have done is totally unethical!!"

    And two more quotes that debunk the "debunkers":

    "Just because you document natural climate variability doesn't mean anthropogenic global warming is not a threat. In fact I would venture that most on that list believe a natural cycle and anthropogenic change combined represent a greater threat."

    "Why can't people spend their time trying to identify and evaluate the facts concerning climate change rather than trying to obscure them?"

  2. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Which lyin' computer model broke the Arctic Circle?

    Vast cracks appear in Arctic ice

    Dramatic evidence of the break-up of the Arctic ice-cap has emerged from research during an expedition by the Canadian military. Scientists travelling with the troops found major new fractures during an assessment of the state of giant ice shelves in Canada's far north.

    The team found a network of cracks that stretched for more than 10 miles (16km) on Ward Hunt, the area's largest shelf. The fate of the vast ice blocks is seen as a key indicator of climate change.

    "It means the ice shelf is disintegrating, the pieces are pinned together like a jigsaw but could float away," Dr Mueller explained.

    According to another scientist on the expedition, Dr Luke Copland of the University of Ottawa, the new cracks fit into a pattern of change in the Arctic.

    "We're seeing very dramatic changes; from the retreat of the glaciers, to the melting of the sea ice. We had 23% less (sea ice) last year than we've ever had, and what's happening to the ice shelves is part of that picture."

  3. Archie - Never heard of this Heartland report, but thanks. IIRC, some of the guys who shared the Nobel Prize with Al Gore said that his predictions were outlandishly overblown but, somehow, this didn't get much press.

    Another - Can global warming alarmists make their case without citing "cracks in the ice" or "broken off glaciers" or "changing migration patterns"? Is there any evidence of global warming based on - oh, I don't know - temperature data?

    A couple years back, NY Times reporter Andrew Revkin had a front page article about "standing water at the Arctic" as evidence of global warming. Few saw the correction a week later after some genuine scientists wrote to tell him standing water is normal.

    Likewise, everybody focuses on the crashing iceburgs but ignores the thickening of the icepack on the other side of the Arctic Circle.

  4. Maybe Archie deIdiot could explain why all those 'scientists' in the IPCC aren't all scientists. Many of them (especially the ones who write the biased summaries that are leapt upon by the MSM) are bureaucrats with no more training in science or mathematical than ManBearPig, or Archie.

    I guess we're just lucky they haven't started the Inquisition yet.

  5. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Or maybe Brave Dave could explain why the climate scientists, whose life's work has been hijacked and misrepresented by devious, faceless, liberal UN bureaucrats, are in accord with the IPCC findings.

    Yet meanwhile, the scientists have no qualms about denouncing wingnut lists that falsely label them as global warming opponents.

    Funny, that.
