Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Al Gore doesn't debate - Via Gateway Pundit: Czech president Vaclav Klaus wants to debate the Goreacle on global warming. He shall not accept the challenge.


  1. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Note to earth: the debate is over. All power to the Goracle.

    -Committee for State Security

  2. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I issued a public challenge to Al Gore to face me in a game of Jenga. To date, he has not responded. Ozone Man may as well paint "COWARD" on his face from this day forth, because all men of good conscience now know the truth.

  3. To have a debate, it is generally recognized that each side must have a case. Given that one side doesn't want the debate, it's not hard to figure out which side (despite trollish efforts to cover it up) doesn't believe it has a case.

    This reminds me of the way John F'n ("I have the hat to this day") Kerry was going to throw the truth into the face of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth by releasing his service records. I'm sure he'll get around to that any minute now.

    I'll believe that BigWoodenAl the ManBearPig actually believes in Global Warming or Global Climate Change or whatever *and* its bad effects when he starts really reducing that massive carbon footprint of his. I don't expect that to be any time soon.

  4. Anonymous10:44 PM

    John Kerry and global warming. Riiiiiight... because political rhetoric and scientific data work pretty much the same way.

    And what about all those great thinkers who want to "debate" evolution in the year 2008? The fact that trollish moonbats refuse to "man up" and deconstruct the flaws in intelligent design over and over, on command, proves that evolution is another leftwing scam.

    Seriously, John Kerry? Like... John Kerry?

    You DO realize that you equated the anti-climate change side with the Swift Boat boys in your analogy? You're right, but you don't even know why.

  5. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Wow. What was THAT, 10:44? Put down the 10$ dry-sherry and try again, please.


  6. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Hi, Earth! How are you feeling today? Warmer, huh? Don't worry, most of us are with you all the way. We'll handle the dummies. You just take care of yourself and get better. Bye!
