Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Home court advantage? - So far, Obama has won the delegate vote in every state that borders Illinois. But his lead over Hillary is slipping fast in Indiana and he's going to get crushed in Kentucky, if the contest goes that long.


  1. I cannot believe how much fun this has been. What would make my year is if the superdelegates take the nomination from Obama and give it to Hillary. The "Republicans are racists" meme would be down the toilet.

  2. Anonymous1:34 AM

    That's interesting. I can't believe how much fun it is, watching previously despondent Republicans resuscitating their hope. What fun will it be in November, crushing dreams that are two years dead?

    SPOILER ALERT: It'll never get better for John McCain than this, right now.

    But stay strong, nurture your zombie hope, and keep waiting on those superdelegates. Because even in the unlikely event a superdelegate takeover doesn't work out, it's just as possible that Obama could prick his finger on an enchanted spindle, and fall into a deep 100-year sleep. Which would be SUCH a boost for the GOP!!!

  3. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Aw, too bad. Guess ex-DNC Chair and Clinton crony Joe Andrew doesn't read this blog.

    Don't worry, something else is bound to come along and "make your year."

    (Warning: the year might be 2016 or 2020.)

  4. "SPOILER ALERT: It'll never get better for John McCain than this, right now."

    Sweet Jesus. That's the best you can do for a 'spoiler alert'?

    Pay no attention to the blood-letting on the left.

  5. Anonymous11:37 PM

    It seems to have escaped the last poster that even WITH all the Democratic "blood-letting" and "civil war" and "tearing the party apart," Obama leads McCain as of today.

    What trendline does he imagine will emerge once the Democrats' dispute has concluded?

    But please... hold onto your hope. This really can happen. It's happening now! Hillary and Barack are KILLING each other. Democrats ALWAYS lose. Do it. Make your moral bargain with yourself. Support your consolation prize candidate with every compromised beat of your heart. The hope is building. Feel it. He can win. McCain can WIN.

    We want you feeling just as confident and optimistic as you can on Monday, November 3rd. Be positive. Be strong. Where's the fun in making a beaten-down cripple cry?

  6. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Take a breath, Mr. Panicky-pants. Sheesh. I've got your rant-spittle all over my screen.

    "Obama leads McCain as of today."

    'Fraid not, spoiler:

    Gallup Daily: McCain Moves to 6-Point Lead Over Obama

    Schadenfreude. It don't git no better n' dat.

  7. Anonymous7:51 PM

    That ain't "rant-spittle" on your forehead, it's flop sweat. NBC/Wall St. Journal AND Pew Research AND the AP AND CNN each have Obama ahead in their separate polling. Today. And that's in May 2008, before the money, attention, age, and voting/registration trends kick in. Nevertheless, the future's bright! Stay optimistic!

    I wouldn't dream of "spoiling" your fun. You're going to need some memories of good times to sustain you. But if you honestly think McCain will beat Obama 53-47, you'd better pop your champagne corks now. That vintage won't even be bubbly by Labor Day.

  8. Anonymous1:53 AM

    5/3: Annnnd the Dems pick up another special election House seat, in a catsup-red district.

    It's systematic, across-the-board bad news for the GOP, even in "safe" seats, since 2006.

    But somehow John "Stick With What's Working" McCain will surf atop the blue tidal wave to victory, all because Hillary wouldn't give up the fight 10 weeks sooner. Uh huh. It's a theory, anyhow. Good luck with that!

  9. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Awwww. Poor widdle schadenfreude.

    CBS Poll: Support For Obama Rebounds

    Obama has seen a big reversal since his denunciation of Wright’s remarks on Tuesday. He now leads presumptive Republican nominee John McCain in the hypothetical fall contest by eleven points, 51 percent to 40 percent. That compares to a tied match-up in a CBS News/New York Times poll that was released last Wednesday.

    Among Democratic primary voters (those who have voted or plan to vote in a Democratic primary) Obama’s lead over Clinton has increased -- he now leads Clinton by twelve points, 50 percent to 38 percent. That’s up from his eight point lead in the poll released just a few days ago.

    The poll also shows good news for both Democrats in a campaign versus McCain in the fall. Just like Obama, Clinton’s lead over McCain has jumped, from 5 to 12 points.

    A large number of voters - three-quarters - say that what Wright has said has not changed their opinion of Obama. However, Wright has caused 24 percent to change their view, with 22 percent saying their view of Obama is less favorable. Republicans are more likely than Democrats or Independents to describe the Wright impact negatively.

    Most voters also say they do not expect Wright’s impact to linger in their own minds. Only about one in ten say this will affect their November vote a lot, with 73 percent saying it will not affect them at all. The impact appears strongest, however, among Republicans, who are least likely to vote for any Democrat.

  10. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Ha, ha, ha, ha! I love the serial ranter! You get called out once, and now it's an obsession. The truth hits too close to home, driving you to search FURIOUSLY on a Saturday night (THERE'S your schadenfreude) for obscure polls to "prove" you're right.

    Your man can't beat a blond-haired white girl in a pantsuit, and you think he's a shoe-in for the general?


    -John McCain

  11. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Ah, and what would the internet be without fake laughing? LOL! ROFL!

    Not that it matters, but the link shows that the CBS poll is dated Sunday, May 4. And the post was left 12 minutes before midnight, which means you didn't even get your corny insult right. LMAO!

    Forget our banter. YOUR GUY'S RUNNING THIRD IN A TWO-PERSON RACE. Go ahead, Kindergarten Schadenfreude. Laugh that one off. (Is there an internet acronym for soft whimpering?)

  12. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Ah, and what would the internet be without fake laughing? LOL! ROFL!

    Not that it matters, but the link shows that the CBS poll is dated Sunday, May 4. And the post was left 12 minutes before midnight, which means you didn't even get your corny insult right. LMAO!

    Forget our banter. YOUR GUY'S RUNNING THIRD IN A TWO-PERSON RACE. Go ahead, Kindergarten Schadenfreude. Laugh that one off. (Is there an internet acronym for soft whimpering?)

  13. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Oops! Just call that double post "a laugh and a half."

  14. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Hmm. Looks like somebody's unclear on the critical distinction between "ranting" and "taunting."

    Perhaps the target never knows. Or perhaps he was weakened by the effort of devoting his energy into coming off as artifically jaunty. "The poll I found is ironclad and awesome, your polls are obscure and obsessive; P.S. you can't get laid on weekends"? Really? That's the rhetorical haymaker? Really?
