Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Yeah, that'll bring 'em back - Taxpayers flee Massachusetts. Today in the Boston Globe: "State's fiscal picture dims - Cuts, tax hikes may be on the table."

And here's some fun trivia for you: "All of this is set against the fact that the state already has the highest per capita government debt in the country." We're #1 baby! Hmmm...I wonder where all that money went? Oh, wait, there it is: "Healthcare cost increases dominate Mass. budget debate" Universal health care is bankrupting the Bay State - who saw that coming?


  1. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Holy Moses, what a mass exodus! Over 8,000 gone? That's almost as many people as bought Tom Tancredo's book on border security! It's like three-fifths of the attendance for an average Arena Football game! It's nearly the number of people who broke the group record for making snow angels!

    I give the sinking state 2 more years . . . 3 tops.

  2. Anonymous3:21 PM

    My wife and I fled the Bay State almost 20 years ago. We still return to visit family several times a year. While it is nice to be "home" for a few days, every time we leave I think "I'm glad we don't live here."
