Friday, March 21, 2008

Superdelegates run from the Hill

CNN: "Bill Richardson to endorse Obama"

Like Ron Fournier wrote last month, it's looking like a lot of Democrats are just plain fed up with the Clintons:
For years, Bill and Hillary Clinton treated the Democratic National Committee and party activists as extensions of their White House ambitions, pawns in a game of success and survival. She may pay a high price for their selfishness soon.

Top Democrats, including some inside Hillary Clinton's campaign, say many party leaders - the so-called superdelegates - won't hesitate to ditch the former New York senator for Barack Obama if her political problems persist. Their loyalty to the first couple is built on shaky ground.
And, frankly, I don't see how the former First Lady's document dump helps except to remind everyone of Monica, Johnny Chung, and "missing" law firm records. This can only augment the "Clinton fatigue" that has plagued her campaign from the start.

1 comment:

  1. The cynical interpretation is that endorsing Clinton get Richardson nothing that he wouldn't have anyway, except perhaps a low-level Cabinet appointment that he doesn't need anyway. OTOH, an Obama endorsement may get him something, including a boost in 2012 should Obama get the nomination and loose the election.

    I mean, cheesing off the Clintons certainly doesn't hurt his 2012 or 2016 chances now that they've proven to be vulnerable. If Obama takes down Hillary and loses, Richardson might be well-positioned in 2012 to be the anti-Hillary, especially if she's seen as having damaged Obama.
