Saturday, March 22, 2008

A stupid decision, remarkably, not made by the Ninth Circuit - NYT "Colorado Court Rules 'No Smoking' Means Exactly That, Even on Stage": "A Colorado appeals court ruled on Thursday that smoking by an actor on stage, while possibly important to character and theatrical message, is still banned by the state's two-year-old indoor smoking law."

Well, Franklin Delano Roosevelt had his cigarette holder taken away to appease the gods of political correctness, so now the Arts will also have to suffer.


  1. Good thing they weren;t trying to ban pot smoking or child molestation on stage. The ACLU would have went nuts!

  2. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I nominate the above for the Most Random Response of the Year (*).

    (*March 25, 2007 to March 24, 2008 Category.)
