Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Shouldn't global warming involve some, you know, warming?

From NPR: "The mystery of global warming's missing heat"

Some 3,000 scientific robots that are plying the ocean have sent home a puzzling message. These diving instruments suggest that the oceans have not warmed up at all over the past four or five years. That could mean global warming has taken a breather. Or it could mean scientists aren't quite understanding what their robots are telling them.
Well, the answer is obvious: the robots are on the take from Exxon. (HT: Strata)

More - Tim Blair notes that the robots have betrayed their master.


  1. Anonymous9:36 PM

    "Amazingly, brand new evidence isn't just new... it somehow retro-confirms what I knew all along!"

    And as for the perennial ice in the Arctic and Antarctic that continues to melt as previously observed, that's liberal ice, right?

    Walt Meier, the National Snow and Ice Data Center:
    "It's becoming thinner and thinner and much more susceptible to melting during the summer - much more likely to melt away. It may look OK on the surface, but it's like looking at a Hollywood movie set - you see the facade of a building and it looks OK, but if you look behind it, there's no building there."

  2. I know the credentials of Walt Meier are unimpeachable and his intentions are noble.

    Those robots? Liars and scum, ripe for reprogramming. Yet the words "hoist" and "petard" spring to mind. And "data."

  3. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Joking about noble intentions and closed minds? It says more about you or Tim Blair that you'd automatically assume scientists must be disappointed by any positive climate news.

    NASA is probably rooting for the troops to lose in Iraq, too, right?

  4. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Smart work about global warming. I have also a blog which give information about cause of global warming.

  5. Anonymous9:21 AM

    NASA is probably rooting for the troops to lose in Iraq, too, right?

    Odd, I've never linked Iraq and Global Warming.

    But you just did. Which does not surprise me in the least.

  6. perennial ice in the Arctic and Antarctic that continues to melt as previously observed, that's liberal ice, right

    Wow, there's nearly 1 million sq km more liberal sea ice than normal... (link)

  7. I dunno. Who should you believe, robot data-collecting devices, or Al Gore's throbbing scientific ability. I mean, he did get multiple degrees in really hard science, didn't he, seeing as how he's the most revered discussant of scientific stuff since Einstein, and he *did* get a Nobel Peace Science Award (take that!! Bushitler!!) for Scientific Truthiness.

  8. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Bushitler? Truthiness? Admiration for Al Gore?

    Translation: The speedy, comprehensive reversal of fortunes from 2000 to 2005 makes me cry into my pillow at night.

    Face it, Tex, you backed the wrong pony. It happens.

    But keep doubling down your bet. This time, you're definitely on the winning side of history. Onward to glory! No mistakes this time!
