Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Non-political interlude - I'm exhausted by the Obama-Clinton battle. Hillary "won" and picked up like a dozen delegates and the whole thing is going to the convention for a floor fight.

Zimbabwe, take me away! ABC News: "Zimbabwe Currency Falls to Record Low"

The Zimbabwe currency tumbled to a record low of 25 million for a single U.S. dollar Wednesday, currency dealers said.

With Zimbabwe dollars mostly available in bundles of 100,000 and 200,000 notes, one $100 note bought nearly 40 pounds of local notes at the new market rate Wednesday.
In other news, neo-dictator Robert Mugabe has not yet killed his opponent in the March 29th national election. So we got that going for us.


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Daily Kos on Obama's $45 million February:
    The previous one-month record of $44 million was set in March, 2004, by John Kerry. The difference here is huge. Not only did Obama raise much more money than Kerry did, he did it with only part of the Democratic electoral coalition behind him. Kerry raised much of that money in March 2004 because on the first Tuesday of March he had locked up the nomination, and thus Democratic donors had only one candidate, and weren't split between two. Obama is still raising from only a portion of the Democratic coalition.

    And Hillary Clinton isn’t doing too shabby in the past couple of days either, raising a cool $4 million online since Tuesday. And she raised a hefty $36 million in February.

    Compare this to John McCain. After the Potomac primary, he was essentially in the same position as Kerry was in March 2004. Did Republican donors open up their wallets to him? Nope. He only raised $12 million.

    Think about that. Hillary Clinton isn't the nominee, lost 11 straight contests in February, and she raised three times as much money as the presumptive Republican nominee. And Barack Obama, a man who's never run for national office, raised four and a half times as much money as McCain. McCain raised $12 million, while together the Democrats raised $91 million.

    But watch the media narrative. Democrats are in disarray because they have two candidates that apparently excite too many Americans--many entering the political process for the first time--too much. It’s a disaster in the making, this strong candidate, blowout fund-raising, record voter turnout primary season! It’s the death of the party!

  2. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I haven't made it a "sticky" post yet but let me state once again: the Democrats are going to win the White House in 2008.

    The only question is whether it will be Obama or Hillary and I'm hoping for the former because Hillary is bent on cramming policy down American throats, just like her first attempt at health care reform.

    Garnish wages if you don't want health care? Why not, comrade?

  3. Anonymous10:37 PM

    the Democrats are going to win the White House in 2008.

    Whoa, whoa, whoa! Stop the presses! You heard it here first!
