Monday, March 03, 2008

Meanwhile, in Finland - Why are the Finns so smart? They focus on - get this - education: "Finnish students, who start school at age seven, are expected to be more independent than American children. Well-trained teachers focus on making sure slower students keep up; there's no special attention for gifted students. Homework is minimal. So are extra-curriculars: A model school has "no sports teams, marching bands or prom," writes Ellen Gamerman." (More here).


  1. Waaaaaaiiiiit a minute. You mean children are supposed to go to school to *learn* stuff?? With an attitude like this you're going to have the Educational Establishment all over you.

    I mean, what about 'enrichment' and 'diversity' and 'self awareness' and 'social justice' and so on? You actually expect students to give up valuable time taken from that to *learn* stuff?

    You'd better go into hiding now, before the NEA/AFT hit squads find you.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Ssshhhh. Dave's being clever again. Nobody tell him that the biggest problem currently afflicting American education is the deliberate, across-the-board *LOWERING* of criteria so that schools can "meet" arbitrary standards. (See: "teaching to the test" and No Child Left Behind, which link funding to the acquisition of superficial, sham results.)

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    If Finnish children are so smart, please explain black metal/death metal.
