Friday, March 14, 2008

Hillary imitates O.J.

Today a guy at work who knows my political opinions said "You were right." Specifically, he was commenting on my prediction that Hillary would try to steal the Democratic nomination, no matter what. And here she is floating that balloon on NPR:

Hillary Clinton says the results of Michigan's Democratic presidential primary should count, even if Barack Obama's name did not appear on the ballot.

"That was his choice," she says in an interview with Steve Inskeep. "There was no rule or requirement that he take his name off the ballot. His supporters ran a very aggressive campaign to try to get people to vote uncommitted."
If you listen to the NPR audio, Inskeep is dumbstruck by Hillary's contention. Here's how the Atlantic's James Fallows describes it:

Flatly false from Bill Clinton? Sure: "I did not have..." But flatly insulting to the intelligence, in the fashion of an old press briefing by Scott McClellan when defending Scooter Libby or Alberto Gonzales? No. And that is what Hillary Clinton did yesterday -- to the plain incredulity of the normally calm-sounding Inskeep, who kept asking things like, "But how could the primary have been 'fair' if Barack Obama's name was not on the ballot?"

Listen to the clip to hear for yourself, if you haven't already done so -- but it came down to a "how stupid does she think we are?' argument that it was Obama's own fault that he obeyed the party's rules (as other candidates did) and took his name off the unauthorized Michigan ballot.
I think I've found the perfect allegory for Hillary's campaign now. Remember when O.J. Simpson robbed that Las Vegas office and tried to explain it away that he was taking back what was really his? The inevitable candidate can't allow somebody to take what is rightfully hers, so she plans on stealing it back, without compunction, qualms, or regrets.

Extra - Right Wing Nuthouse "Hillary's scorched earth campaign": "As far as the Clinton campaign can see, this is their only avenue to the White House and by hook or by crook, whether they bring the Democratic party down or not, they’re going to take it."


  1. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I totally agree, a girl's got to take what she wants. But let me just say this about that. Regarding the Reverend Wright: the Rev. isn't preaching anything that college professors all over America haven't been teaching for decades. Ward Churchill ring any bells? On the other hand, Hillary Clinton has had entire books written about her “spiritual life,” and even invented her own brand of college (at which Ward Churchill did speak), but neither she nor Bill Clinton ever attend church. Let Barack Obama himself tell us what he believes. Some folks take longer than others to wise up; the Clintons, both of them, are kryptonite:

  2. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Oh my God, the MI/FLA delegates! She's trying to steal the MI/FLA delegates! The Obama campaign is thoroughly competent and prepared, the DNC is on record against it, the money people are against it, and articles like this explicitly discuss the absurdity of the proposal... but OH GOD WHAT IF IT HAPPENS ANYWAY?!?!?!?!?
