Saturday, March 29, 2008

Has Zimbabwe's moment finally arrived?

From the NY Times: "Zimbabweans Vote, Desperate for Change"

Lines were long at the polling stations here well before morning had unscrolled its first light. And when the doors did not open exactly at 7 a.m., voters in the impoverished township of Warren Park rushed the schoolyard gate, most of them desperate to cast a ballot to oust the man who has been president for most of their lives, Robert Mugabe.
Recap from the Atlantic: "Turning a breadbasket into a basket case in ten easy steps - the Robert Mugabe way"

More - From Gateway Pundit.


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    I'm sure that the company in charge of vote counting, Dieboldakezi, will do a responsible and accurate job.

  2. A murderous scumbag is up for "re-election," and the dope only cares about ripping Diebold.

    Stay on this story E, because few other people are.

  3. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Brian can't distinguish between a one-line joke and a "rip" job. Even so, he uses that one line to read minds. And he thinks it's bloggers who will finally hold Mugabe to account.

    Think hard before doing anything he advises.
