Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spending like Democrats - From Real Clear Politics blog, the Clinton campaign spent $10 large on Internet access while in Las Vegas. This and more high living while fighting for "the people."


  1. Anonymous2:53 AM

    "Spending like Democrats"? No sh*t? After seven years of *this* Presidency, you think *Democrats* are the ones siphoning your pocket? Old dreams die hard.

  2. Yeah, I knew I was running into a shredder with that title.

    My apologies.

    In my defense, I did condemn Bush for expanding Medicare's problems with the Prescription Drug Benefit.

  3. Hotels and conference centers charge outrageous fees for internet access in meeting rooms and conference floors. It can be a thousand dollars per meeting even if that meeting is an hour. This is starting to change as cell phone companies offer cheap data service with good coverage.

    This doesn't excuse all the spending of course, just explains a corner of it.
