Sunday, February 03, 2008

Shocker - Who saw this coming? You know, besides me and anybody who has read anything about the rise of health care costs in a socialized system? From the Boston Globe here's "Subsidized care plan's cost to double - Enrollment is outstripping state's estimate": "The subsidized insurance program at the heart of the state's healthcare initiative is expected to roughly double in size and expense over the next three years - an unexpected level of growth that could cost state taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars or force the state to scale back its ambitions."

More - Jay from Wizbang notes that Massachusetts will be seeking federal funds to pay for the shortfall in its slapdash health care program: "Let me translate that for you in clearer terms: in order for Massachusetts to make certain all its residents have health insurance, they need the other 49 states to pay, too." Just like the Big Dig. Pay up, Oklahoma!

Final thought - I'm no lawyer, but can Americans be forced to purchase health insurance? For example: IIRC Christian Scientists can refuse medical treatment; therefore, how can they be compelled to purchase medical insurance? People who refuse to purchase auto insurance have the option of taking the bus (sometimes). But can the government impose a fiscal burden by legislative fiat in the guise of an unfunded "mandate?" I need some Constitutional guidance here.


  1. As near as I can tell, there is strong sentiment in some parts of the political sphere that believes that Americans can be forced to do anything that 'Progressives' think is good for them.

  2. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Bla, bla, liberals wrong, overbearing, blabbity bla, they won't listen to reason and do what they want

    If you're against Freedom Coverage, you're emboldening the enemy. You need to watch what you say.

  3. Is this the umm Mitt Romney healthcare plan you're talking about????
