Friday, February 29, 2008

Poll positions - President Bush: now with twice the approval rating of the New York Times.

Extra - From Jawa Report: "NYT shareholders revolt"


  1. Well, the NYT is revolting, so why shouldn't their stockholders be?

    As Mel Brooks said in "History of the World: Part I" when told the peasants were revolting, "You're telling me! They stink on ice!"

  2. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Yeah! Because that whole "Mel Brooks as King Louis XVI" sketch really promoted the conservative, rightwing viewpoint.

  3. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Why do I imagine that Judith Miller's "Saddam's WMDs!" book reports for the N.Y. Times - which were then touted by the White House for promotional purposes - are what Dave considers top-notch reporting?
