Monday, February 11, 2008

Another fine mess Deval Patrick has gotten us into

Desperate for revenues to prop up the Commonwealth, Governor Patrick has opened a Pandora's Box by inviting casinos into Massachusetts. Already the plan is poised to cost me, the taxpayer, more money than it generates:

Efforts by the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe to place its planned casino site in Middleborough in a federal trust are more likely to end in a drawn-out fight than a healthy payoff for either the tribe or the residents of Massachusetts. The Patrick administration is right to resist the Wampanoags' efforts and to encourage the tribe instead to bid for a state-issued casino license.

The tribe, which won federal recognition last year, is now seeking to establish official sovereignty over more than 500 acres, which would place it largely outside the state's jurisdiction. The Patrick administration has sent an 125-page objection to the federal Bureau of Indian Affairs, arguing that the tribe has failed to provide adequate safeguards in such areas as zoning, public safety, labor, consumer protection, and the environment. These are substantive issues, but the real message is that the administration is serious about following its own casino plan.
Yes, it's important that the Bay State gets the cash from all the senior citizens bussed in to spend their Social Security checks. Since we're at it, can we really refuse whorehouses provided they have "adequate safeguards" and are friendly to the environment? I need a shower.

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