Friday, January 11, 2008

Yes, it's another post on Social Security fraud

Just the best damn SS fraud post evah! From the Village Voice:

It's not exactly a victimless crime considering that David J. Dalaia and James O'Hare traipsed around the streets of Hell's Kitchen with a corpse and were trying to defraud taxpayers and the U.S. government by cashing a Social Security check on behalf of a dead man.

But if the two senior citizens are convicted of check fraud, one might hope that the sentencing judge will take into account the absurdity of their crime and the laughter it brought to people around the world.

When O'Hare, woke up and realized his roommate, Virgilio Cintron, was dead, he and Dalaia, both 65, sprung into action. They dressed Cintron as best they could - pulling his pants halfway up, and covering his crotch with a jacket - and wheeled the corpse on an office chair to Pay-O-Matic, a Ninth Avenue check cashing store. The plan worked well until that point when the store clerk started asking questions and off-duty NYPD detective dining next door noticed a crowd forming around the dead body on the sidewalk.
Yeah, once you get away from the Hamptons, people start to notice things like that.


  1. Anonymous7:08 PM

    noticed a crowd forming around the dead body

    Doesn't this happen at every Fred Thompson rally? Except for the part about the crowd?
