Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Why not McCain?

He's not a favorite of conservatives and (at this point) he's still a longshot to win the nomination. Still, John McCain may represent the GOP's best hope in 2008:

One impact of the long run-up to Election 2008 can be seen in public perceptions of the leading Presidential candidates. After a year of campaigning with no votes actually being cast, only one candidate in either party is now viewed favorably by more than half the nation’s voters. Stunningly, especially given the status of his campaign six months ago, that candidate is John McCain. This is one reason why a recent article noted it is a good time to be John McCain.
McCain's been hurt by the immigration issue, which is a critical concern to certain bloggers, and I think the McCain-Feingold campaign law is a blatant violation of First Amendment rights. Still, the "maverick" has served his country honorably and maybe the pros outweigh the cons. In any case, the other GOP candidates don't fill me with enthusiasm.

1 comment:

  1. It depends. Not that I really expect the Dems to run a candidate I can vote for, but who would McCain be running against? And who would be his veep? Isn't McCain about 200 years old by now?

    He is my third choice on the Repub side. Right now, Hillary is my Dem choice with everyone else tied for last.
