Monday, January 07, 2008

Whither Hillary? - Patrick Ruffini lays out a credible scenario for a Hillary comeback. OTOH, Rick Moran thinks Hillary's exit is "probably inevitable."

My take is that if Hillary loses by double-digits in both New Hampshire then South Carolina, the donors and superdelegates will swarm to Obama and there will be no way for her to recover.

Update (1/8) - And there they go: "Several Senate colleagues who have sat on the fence are now in talks with Obama advisers about endorsing the freshman Illinois senator over his more experienced colleague. Despite raising more than $100 million, Sen. Clinton also faces financial worries as contributions have begun to slacken."


  1. Hillary is going to go off the hinges, a la Al Gore. And it is going to be fun to watch. Sooner or later, her and her people are going to do everything but call him a you-know-what.

    I also expect the "Obama is a Muslim" stories to really start appearing the pro-Hillary MSM.

  2. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Hillary is going to go off the hinges, a la Al Gore.

    When did Al Gore "go off the hinges"? Was it before or after he got the most votes?

    Certainly Gore was a wild, vindictive, out-of-control, loopy candidate in '00... that's what "wooden" and "robot" meant, right?

    Seriously, can this poster think ANYTHING without invoking his personal boogeyman, Al Gore? "Here's your dry cleaning, sir." "Al Gore!" "Do you want to eat out tonight, honey?" "Al Gore!"

  3. I guess you never heard of the "He betrayed our country" speech from Al Gore.

  4. I dunno. I thought a couple of those debates showed some off the hinges moments. And even robots go off their hinges when their programming fouls up. "Ah will faaahhhght for you!!"

    Seriously, can this commenter defend every single quirk and nuttiness of the High Priest of the Church of Goreball Wormrening?

    How about a riff on "no defining authorities" or illegal donations from Buddhist nuns. Got anything on those?

  5. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Awww, it's so cute to see you hardcore 30%-ers freaking out.

    You thought those "Sore/Loserman" signs were funny, right? So I urge you, don't be bitter today. Try to remember that warm, superior feeling. You can remember. It really wasn't so long ago. (For best results, forget all about the subsequent, comprehensive repudiation of all your political thoughts and desires.)

    Here's the high notes of Gore's speech:
    "He betrayed this country. He played on our fears. He took America on an ill-conceived foreign adventure dangerous to our troops, an adventure preordained and planned before 9/11 ever took place... any one of these (Democratic) candidates is far better than George W. Bush.... the last three years (2001-04) we've seen the politics of fear rear its ugly head again... It is not a minor matter to take the loyalty and deep patriotic feelings of the American people and trifle with them. The truth shall rise again.''

    See anything that the country disagrees with? Anything that's untrue? A single disputable word?

    Here's a fellow traveller, concurring with Gore's speech when it was delivered:
    "Burrowed inside his foreign policy team are men guilty of exactly what Gore accuses Bush of, men who did exploit our fears to stampede us into a war they had plotted for years."

    The unhinged moonbat who wrote those words, in 2004? Pat Buchanan.

    You're just confused by Gore's speech because, to Bushies, it's a disorienting experience to see a politician being proven right. You can't shake your fixation on the loser who ended up as history's winner.

    So all you have left is empty, angry rhetoric: "going off the hinges." Alas, here in 2008, most of America has long since decided who's got the screw loose.

  6. Anonymous9:36 AM

    "Here's the high notes of Gore's speech: "He betrayed this country. He played on our fears....""

    "See anything that the country disagrees with? Anything that's untrue? A single disputable word?"

    Are you kidding?

    BUSH played upon the coutry's fears? Bush responded to an actual, demonstrable threats executed by Islamic extremists.

    But Gore doesn't 'fear-monger' with global warming? You're absolutely deranged if you don't see the profound hipocricy of Gore.

  7. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Ah, we see: Bush didn't exploit fear, oh no no, but Al Gore (EEK! AL GORE!!!) does.

    The old recipe is still true. Scratch a conservative's tough exterior, and you usually find a yellow creamy filling.

    Mmmm, yellow. And speaking of yellow:

    January 10, 2008 — The United States government's national threat level is Elevated, or Yellow.


    As the great political pundit Yoda said, "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to Republican suffering on November 4."

  8. Anonymous2:49 PM

    "Ah, we see: Bush didn't exploit fear, oh no no, but Al Gore (EEK! AL GORE!!!) does."

    Correct, Head-full-O'-mush, Flatulant, Dunderhead. Islamic extremists & terrorism actually exist in what we call REALITY, as opposed to man-made global warming, which only exists in the rich, creamy, goodness of liberal wet dreams, aka fantasy-ville.

  9. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Give him a big hand, ladies and gentlemen! The Perfect Storm of Stubborn 'N' Stupid! C'mon, big hand! Really let him hear it!
