Friday, January 18, 2008

What they found (too late) in his wallet: a concealed-weapon permit

From the Orlando Sentinel, via Free Republic:

An armed citizen surprised four men who robbed him at gunpoint last week.
After being ordered to his knees, Russel Olofson warned the men that "they should think about it," according to an Orlando police report released this week.
A private investigator with military training, Olofson, 24, told police the robbers snatched his cell phone and a wallet containing his concealed-weapon permit shortly before 10 p.m. Friday outside Ridge Club Apartments.
After the robbers took his items, Olofson stood up, drew his Springfield XD sub-compact 9 mm handgun "and fired two rounds toward male #1 with the silver handgun, possibly striking him," the report states. "Males #2, #3, and #4 then ran southeast . . . and male #1 ran northeast . . ."
In related news, those guys were drunk and taunting the tiger when it attacked.


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I would pay $100 to watch a video clip of the expression on their faces as the tiger cleared the fence.

  2. Anonymous1:58 AM

    I would pay $5,000 to be lightly mauled and sexually violated by a tiger. Serious offers only.
