Thursday, January 10, 2008

Top of the world, ma! - Sir Edmund Hillary, the first man to top Mount Everest and namesake of Hillary Clinton, has died at 88.


  1. Anonymous9:38 PM

    As for that whole "Edmund Hillary was the first man to climb the mountain" story...

  2. Anonymous8:59 AM,25197,23040465-25837,00.html

    "Tenzing later came under political pressure to claim that he was the first climber on the summit, and Sir Edmund was angry when the King of Nepal claimed the Sherpa had personally told him this was the case.

    Three years later, in his autobiography, Tenzing set the record straight, saying Sir Edmund had reached the top first.

    The two men subsequently agreed to say that they had achieved the climb together and it was only after Tenzing's death in 1986 that Sir Edmund publicly described reaching the top alone before "Tenzing quickly joined me". "We looked around in wonder," he later wrote. "To our immense satisfaction, we realised we had reached the top of the world."

  3. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Not quite the "HILLARY DIES" headline that thousands of wingnut bloggers were praying to see...

  4. Anonymous3:07 PM

    If you knew us at all, anon, you'd know we want her to live long enough to win the Dem nomination.

  5. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Oh yes, whenever Karl Rove says he's anxious to see Democrat X get the nomination because they're oh so beatable compared to the field, that's not spin or misdirection at all. Like that incompetent frontrunner Howard Dean, he would've been mincemeat. And he's been a political disaster ever since. Nothing like the prince of "electability," John Kerry. Now HE was a mighty challenge.

    Now it's 2008 and the GOP is just DROOOOLING over the chance to sink their teeth into a weak, vulnerable opponent like Hillary Clinton. If you don't believe it, just ask them!

    "Please, Dems, we're beggin' for Hillary. Just BEGGING, I tells ya!"

  6. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Oh yes, whenever Karl Rove says he's anxious to see Democrat X get the nomination because they're oh so beatable compared to the field, that's not spin or misdirection at all. Like that incompetent frontrunner Howard Dean, he would've been mincemeat. And he's been a political disaster ever since. Nothing like the prince of "electability," John Kerry. Now HE was a mighty challenge.

    Now it's 2008 and the GOP is just DROOOOLING over the chance to sink their teeth into a weak, vulnerable opponent like Hillary Clinton. If you don't believe it, just ask them!

    "Please, Dems, we're beggin' for Hillary. Just BEGGING, I tells ya!"

  7. Anonymous7:16 PM

    They want to face Hillary so badly, they said it twice!

  8. Anonymous10:47 PM

    You gotta hand it to The Wingers up there, still holding out hope and rooting for his ideal 2008 Democratic opponent.

    He's kinda like the captain of the Titanic, looking around and trying to choose the softest iceberg to crash his boat into.
