Sunday, January 13, 2008

That $15 billion hole in the ground - It never ends. From the Boston Globe "Big Dig tunnels spring 237 leaks - Costs climb as state plugs serious spots. Engineers say fixes could go on for years": "Despite repeated assurances that it had Big Dig leaks under control, the Turnpike Authority has allowed the number of leaks to explode in the last two years and has been forced to launch a fresh effort to plug hundreds of trouble spots, according to an analysis of Big Dig records."


  1. Anonymous11:25 AM

    No problem, just raise the tolls in Sturbridge - those bastards out west should pay for all of it!

  2. Keep in mind that all those small leaks are slowly removing small bits of concrete. That's how massive caves are carved from rock - small leaks. Good luck with all that plugging.
