Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Shocked beyond belief" - Blogger Debbie Schlussel can't believe her former boss, ex-Congressman Mark D. Siljander (R-MI) has been indicted for funneling money to Al Qaeda.

This is nothing less than treason. I don't care to hear the mitigating circumstances. Whatever happened to "you're with us or you're with the terrorists"?

More - Ace: "Prosecute him for treason as well, and seek the death penalty. But of course they won't. Treason's apparently a misdemeanor now."


  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Even by the forgiving standards of conspiracy bloggers, Debbie Schlussel is a loon.

    It's delightfully schadenfreudy to hear about a GOP Congressman secretly aiding the jihad, and yet I would suggest patience.

    The terror laws are intentionally vague. And we've seen these sorts of "six degrees of indiscretion" accusations before, about individuals who've donated money to charities that funded overseas education programs which sponsored schools which worked in conjunction with religious leaders who hosted meetings which included speakers known to have associated with terrorists...

    Let's just say that over the past few years, not all of these cases have panned out as originally advertised.

  2. Quite true, yet I'd like to believe the Feds would have something pretty solid before they accused a former Congressman.

    What next? Maybe Bin Laden is hiding out at the RNC Headquarters.

  3. Anonymous11:19 PM

    The Feds also said that six pizza deliverymen were going to take down Fort Dix, which houses almost 7,500 military personnel.

    And that another guy was determined to blow up the whole of Kennedy Airport, as soon as he figured out how to alter the laws of physics relating to gas pipelines.

    I'm sure the Feds MEAN well...

  4. I'm not sure that the feds really think that six guys were going to take down Fort Dix, but six guys can certainly kill soldiers and damage property if properly trained and outfitted. Would they have destroyed the base? Not likely. Could they have caused carnage at a checkpoint or entry gate? Sure.

    And just because someone made plans that wouldn't have worked (like blowing up the fuel tanks to try and take out JFK Airport) doesn't mean that the attempt wouldn't cause damage.

    It's like the attack on the airport in England last year, which resulted in a little fire/smoke damage and the death of one or more of the attempted terrorists. If they'd been better terrorists, they would have killed dozens or more. Thankfully, they weren't competant, but that doesn't change the fact that they were terrorists.

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Yep, it's a great unwritten rule of the United States: treason is not a serious charge if you're famous (Jane Fonda) or politically-connected (Ted Kennedy, John Kerry).

  6. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Is there anything more pitiful than someone who STILL can't admit they were wrong, wrong, wrong about Vietnam, and the other side was right?

    The answer is yes. But we'll need to wait 30 years from now.

  7. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Just because all the cool kids think a communist overthrow of a democratic government is a good thing doesn't mean it's right.

  8. Anonymous9:42 PM

    1. On what planet was John Kerry ever a cool kid?

    2. A simple man deserves a simple answer. Communist overthrow? Overthrow BAD. Capitalist invasion and war? Those also BAD.

    BAD + BAD? Bad and bad makes VERY BAD.

    3. Keep the faith, and stay pitiful. Whenever you get bored, practice those embittered "but we could have won in Iraq!" spiels. You'll be saying them the rest of your life.

  9. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Click on that Debbie Schlussel link, look at the badge she posted, and take note of what it says underneath her signature.
