Thursday, January 24, 2008

Preparing for collapse in Zimbabwe - Today I met an honest-to-goodness Brit who used to live in Zimbabwe. He called it "Rhodesia" which indicates that he left the country a long time ago, but he said he still receives emails from a white farmer there. In his estimation, the country is heading towards complete social, economic, and political collapse. I told him "it used to be the bread basket of southern Africa" and he just kinda nodded sadly.


  1. Anonymous12:49 AM

    As Adam Smith said, "There is an awful lot of ruin in a nation." With Zimbabwe we are going to test exact how much.

  2. Anonymous2:06 AM

    I won't know what to think, until Cartoon Marxist Colleague At Work weighs in.

  3. Mugabe stuck it to the white man by throwing the old farmers out and stealing their lands. That's why the liberal left loves him. Who cares about the results, as long as whitey is kicked around.

  4. Anonymous7:03 PM

    That's why the liberal left loves him.

    Like Brian, I'm also fed up with the anti-Caucasian Democrats, and the way they constantly shove Robert Mugabe in our face. Have you HEARD Clinton's or Obama's stump speeches? Zimbabwe this, and down with whitey that. Enough already!
