Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pop-up "Lost"

The producers of "Lost" are in a bind: the complicated show is not easily accessible to new viewers. So tonight's recap of last season's finale will feature something not seen since the days when VH1 showed music videos: pop-up information.

The "Lost" onslaught begins on Wednesday night at 9 with a replay of the mind-boggling two-hour May finale of Season 3, which pushed new buttons on the show's fabled character-flashback technique - chiefly the flash-forward button. Little of what happened in that episode is likely to mean much to those who have not followed the show's labyrinthine plotline, stuffed as it is with interconnected back stories and sci-fi mind games. Trying to counter that expectation, ABC decided to transform the finale into what may be the first network show with added pop-up context. As Mr. Benson put it, maintaining his literary theme, "I kind of call it the Cliff Notes version of a TV show."
Don't get too excited, Lost fans. Only eight episodes are in the can meaning that ABC will have yet another hiatus at hand unless the writers' strike ends tomorrow.


  1. Anonymous12:34 AM

    How appropriate that someone who roots for the GOP would watch a show called "Lost." Followed, no doubt, by "Shoot Me Now."

    What's your favorite movie, "Doom"? "Mission Impossible"? Or "No Country for Old Men"?

  2. Anonymous9:04 PM

    How appropriate for the party that doesn't hate and doesn't shout people down.

    Get back to your crack pipe, hippie.


  3. Does everything need to be political? Chill out, already.

  4. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Two thumbs way (up your butt),

    You advocate for a political party that has already distilled it's choices to two one-term, no-message senators?

    "Shoot Me Now"?!? We have no NEED for evil with self-inflicted-head-wound losers like Democrats.
    You do our business FOR us. If you ever attempted to stage a 'revolution', you'd probably trip on your bong and bust whatever remains of your brain.

    Don't you see? You've already conceded this election. All that's left, are the sad conspiracy theories you need to conjure up to rationalize why you're such chronic losers.

    So get back to work, bitch. I expect to see an explanation on my desk first thing Monday morning.

    Oh yeah,. "power to the 'whatever', dude".

    -The Vast Right-Wing League of VERY Comfortable White Guys.

    [This election is soooo delicious I can taste it already (tee-hee!)]
