Sunday, January 06, 2008

Not enough - Let's take a break from U.S. politics and plunge through the looking-glass world that is Zimbabwe. Always fun! Today the report is that magistrates have received a 600% increase in their salaries. Unfortunately, it's not enough to keep up with Zimbabwe's "official" inflation rate of 8,000%.

Wait, did I say 8,000%? "But central bank officials acknowledged their own informal estimates put inflation in December at around 24,000 percent, up from 8,000 percent in September."

Wait, did I say 24,000%? "Independent evaluations by banks and financial institutions have listed real inflation on foodstuffs alone closer to 150,000 percent. The International Monetary Fund had forecast overall inflation reaching 100,000 percent by the end of 2007." This is sheer insanity.


  1. No prob, Bob. My Marxist colleague continues to assure me that this is merely a preparation stage leading to the Glorious Workers' Paradise of Zimbabwe, ably led by Sir Bob Mugabe and his coterie of, er, um, ah, highly intelligent central planners. (That's the ticket.)

    It is just a short period of wiping out the detritus left over from centuries of colonialism, neo-colonialism, and American imperialism. Not to worry. The good stuff will be kicking in any time now.

  2. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Where's Bono?!?

    Hey Bono! You need to see this!!!

    Come fix it!
