Monday, January 07, 2008

King Midas in reverse

It's becoming more evident as the days roll by that Bill Clinton has been a liability to Hillary's campaign. Slick Willie can't even rouse the enthusiasm of his old New Hampshire supporters. From the New York Times: "In New Hampshire, Bill Clinton is finding less spark"

Former President Bill Clinton has been drawing sleepy and sometimes smallish crowds at big venues in the state that revived his presidential campaign in 1992. He entered to polite applause and rows of empty seats at the University of New Hampshire on Friday. Several people filed out midspeech, and the room was largely quiet as he spoke, with few interruptions for laughter or applause.
Can you feel the love? Bill destroyed Al Gore's chance at the presidency (at least Al Gore thought so) and generally speaking he's been an albatross for the Democratic party:

GOP seats gained in House since Clinton became president: 48
GOP seats gained in Senate since Clinton became president: 8
GOP governorships gained since Clinton became president: 11
GOP state legislative seats gained since Clinton became president: 1,254.
State legislatures taken over by GOP since Clinton became president: 9
So much political capital was spent on the Big He, there's no oxygen left for the Big She.

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