Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Heath Ledger dead at 28 - Wow. Poor guy just passed the critical age of 27, too.


  1. How sick am I Eric? The first thing I thought to myself when I heard this was "I hope they finished filming Batman."

  2. I don't know why it is, but I always have a small rage against celebrities who off themselves, whether through reckless drug use or "depression" (looking at you, Owen Wilson.)

    These people live the most rarefied existences on Earth, with every legal and illegal whim in their reach. And they throw it all away. By the news accounts, the only thing that brought Ledger comfort was his daughter and now he's left her fatherless.

    Sorry for the vent.

  3. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Why on earth would it matter whether they're celebrities? How often do circumstances alter one's nature?

  4. Anonymous10:05 AM

    How often do circumstances alter one's nature?

    Hey - you're right! I'll remember that next time someone tells me poverty causes crime or terrorism.

  5. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Anonymous is confusing behavior with character. Why wouldn't poverty "cause" crime or terrorism in those who are predisposed to commit crime or terrorism, or at least capable of it? Is this a controversial proposition?

    "Causation" is way simplistic, but come on. This is basic human nature. Just as your personal need to think you've scored political points, even against a nonexistent opponent, is part of yours.

  6. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Anonymous is confusing behavior with character.

    Behavior is character. I'm not surprised you're not familiar with Aristotle - dead white Westerner, etc.
