Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Five years ago - Wow, has it been that long? This blog is now five and I'm still using my original Blogger template. Incidentally, Dave Wissing started the Hedgehog Report at almost the exact same time so go over and wish him a happy 5th blogoversary also.


  1. Happy B-day, dude!

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Thanks for sticking with it through the troll hordes.
    Happy Birthday,

  3. I'm a new reader, but enjoy your posts very much. Keep up the good work!

  4. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Thanks and Happy Anniversary to you as well. Your site has always been and still is on my usual stroll around the online world each day.

  5. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Thanks for sticking with it through the troll hordes.

    "Yes, it's dreadfully unpleasant to be exposed to a thought that I don't already agree with."
    "Oh, yes, I do agree with you."
    "It's ever so agreeable to agree, isn't it?"
