Sunday, January 27, 2008

The drama queen and Hillary

Clairvoyant Jeff Jacoby on Bill Clinton's departure seven years ago:

"He means it," I wrote at the time. "He isn't going anywhere. Yes, he packed his bags, zipped his pants, and turned the White House keys over to the new tenants - but he's still here. There are more grotesqueries to come from our ex-president. There will be more truth-twisting, more money-grubbing, more scandal. Even out of office, he will find seamy new ways to degrade the presidency. Just wait."
What's in store for the future, oh great seer?

If recent weeks have made one thing clear, it is that the current Clinton campaign is as much about returning Bill to the White House as about making Hillary president.

Bill Clinton's angry outbursts, his lack of self-control, his overpowering presence in the public arena are surely a preview of what a Clinton Restoration would be like. Hillary might be the president, but Bill would still be, as he has always been, the dominant Clinton. To whom would he be answerable in a second Clinton administration? Not to the woman whose political career is a derivative of his, that's for sure.
You can just see Bill barging into the Oval Office and putting his feet up on the coffee table. Save us from another four years of the "Jerry Springer" presidency, America.


  1. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Clinton left a white DNA blotch on a blue dress; Bush left a brown steaming poo on the Constitution.

    While neither is admirable, sensible grownups have no trouble judging the comparative degree of shame and malfeasance.

    For the unsensible children... Eek! Sex! Seeeexxxxx!!!!

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