Friday, January 18, 2008

Anybody's guess

First Read has the latest election news in "The NV expectations game": "Why are both sides setting expectations that they might lose? Because no one -- and we mean no one -- knows what will happen on Saturday."

I have a question: if Barack Obama does better-than-expected in Nevada's open caucus, but worse-than-expected in the South Carolina primary a couple days later, would this be a confirmation of the Bradley effect?


  1. I expect Obama to win by a lot. If he doesn't, he's in trouble. If he not only doesn't win by a lot but actually loses, he might as well drop out immediately, because there's no chance of him winning the nomination.

  2. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Exactly right. This is Obama's Last Stand.

    Unless Obama wins the next one. Then he's the Comeback Kid!

    No matter what, this caucus absolutely seals his fate until the next primary. And the same goes for everybody else.

    Hire me, cable news!
