Thursday, January 03, 2008

Advantage: Viking Pundit! - As of 10:24, John McCain just edged ahead of Fred Thompson for third place among GOP voters, as I predicted. With 96% of the vote in, Hillary is 12 delegates behind Edwards. Hillary says it's "too early to talk about withdrawal."

Update (11pm EST) - Well, Thompson reclaimed his third-place position, upsetting my perfect pundit prediction. Can't win 'em all. Still, considering he didn't campaign much and pretty much declared ethanol a boondoggle, fourth place is a win for McCain.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:50 AM

    This is thrilling! IT'S ALL SO MEANINGFUL!!! Congratulations to the surefire nominees Dick Gephardt and Pat Robertson... um, I mean Obama and Huckabee.
