Saturday, December 01, 2007

What liberal media? - The White House vs. Helen Thomas

More - From Captain Ed.


  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Helen Thomas occasionally breaks through the press secretary B.S. and she's the bad guy. She has a sweet chair... how DARE she? It's all about the game, Helen, it's all about the game.

    Exhibit #20,000 that dissent is like Kryptonite to this dishonorable administration, and to its dwindling base of shame-proof advocates.

    "The Waning Washington Press Corps and How It Has Failed the Public": you'd be shocked to learn that it's NOT meant to be an instructional manual.

  2. Dissent is one thing. Persistent, incorrect idiocy (and/or senile dementia) is quite another. Helen Thomas has not been anything close to a neutral reporter for decades. She is pushing a particular agenda and taking advantage of some odd social and group behaviors to do so.

    She and those like her (see above) are the shameless ones. No proof is needed, just a rope and a tree for their enemies. Nice.

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Amazing to see people supporting outright lying, but outraged (always outraged) by partisan questioning and hardball followups.

    And amazing to see a 300-year-old woman swinging bigger balls than any of the stenogra... er, crusading reporters at the White House.

    Persistent, incorrect idiocy (and/or senile dementia) is quite another... pushing a particular agenda and taking advantage of some odd social and group behaviors to do so.

    So, what's your unbiased opinion of Dick Cheney, Dave?
