Thursday, December 20, 2007

Please come to Boston - From the Globe "Smaller Mass. colleges court out-of-staters": "With Massachusetts experiencing minimal population growth, and demographic studies predicting that the ranks of high school graduates in the region are poised to sharply decline, many private schools in New England with limited national profiles are increasingly courting students in the fast-growing Sun Belt."

And by "minimal" population growth, we mean "no" growth, which dovetails with the Bay State's anemic economic growth rate (which is why I have to work in Connecticut.) Some people think the answer lies with pro-business policies and lower corporate tax rates to attract companies and jobs to the Bay State. Others are betting on slot jockeys, buffets, and lounge acts. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. That's okay. You *could* live in Michigan. The only thing we seem to be currently beating Mississippi in is rickets avoidance.

    Gov Granholm looks great and is busy 'luring' Venture Capital from California by pointing out all the advantages of being a high-tax, highly unionized, really cold state. *PLUS*, we've got Detroit, where approximately 35% of our entering freshmen graduate from high school (no one really knows, since almost no records exist that make much sense) and less than 25% of the Detroit Public School District budget gets lost or stolen. Huzzah!!
