Saturday, December 01, 2007

Oil crazy - From CNN: "Chavez threatens to cut oil if U.S. questions vote"

Translation: "I'm going to rig this election no matter what."

Extra - From Publius Pundit: "Chavez and the avoidable Venezuelan apocalypse"


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    So what is our pussy of a president going to do about this situation? I'm sure his whimpy ass is going to run and hide in Camp David with daddy and act as though, his hands are tide!! If you take a close look at this, it is Bush's fault for all of this to begin with. He caused this shit and now the Americans' have to pay the price....LITERARLY!!

    If someone would just get George's sorry ass out of that White House, we wouldn't be going through this shit now would we?

  2. I dunno. Perhaps Bush could ask Madeleine Albright to go to Venezuela and dance with Chavez. It worked for Clinton with North Korea, didn't it? Oh. Wait. Right. Nevermind.
    Yep. Every problem in the world is directly the fault of George W Bush, and as soon as he leaves there'll be no problems at all in the world. "LITERARLY" (sic).

    Air getting kinda stuffy up there, anon?

  3. Anonymous11:38 PM

    "NEVERMIND" (sic).

  4. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Hey, Anon, get some balls and post your website.

    I will bet Jimmuh Carter will just LOVE the results.

  5. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Anyone with any sense blames Jimmy Carter for Hugo Chavez.
