Thursday, December 13, 2007

National Review in the Happy Valley

Last night, Jonah Goldberg visited my neck of the woods out here in Western Massachusetts where he gave a speech at the University of Massachusetts (Amherst). His take:

More in the morning, but I must say I can't remember visiting a campus where the leftwingness seemed more intense or pronounced. And I've been to a lot of campuses.
Frankly, I'm surprised they afforded him freedom of speech. I can only guess that it's because the campus liberals are too busy studying for finals.


  1. The word I have is that the last openly Stalinist Marxist in the US will be a professor at UMass Amherst. Just sayin'

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I saw WFB Jr. at UMass/Amherst when I went there years ago. The talk was well attended and the audience was civil.

    The political correctedness/left wing wackiness is strong there (it's a Northeast university after all) but it's not much worse than at other campuses nationwide. There are plenty of campuses that are worse. Since it's in Massachusetts there are those who want it to be worse than elsewhere, but their analyses are not objective.

    The screechers make up a small portion of the 20,000+ students who attend the school, but they get all the attention because they are fun to talk about. They prefer to show up at speeches given by demagogues (which is what the demagogues want at the end of the day), but unfortunately they sometimes do insert themselves into otherwise rational discussions.

  3. Anonymous12:51 AM

    which is what the demagogues want at the end of the day

    Shhh! Quiet! Don't give away the secret!!! If this became obvious to the freep sheep, would go blank!

  4. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Kudos for having the intellectual spine to take on the typical liberal college student.

    Now, what's your opinion about the typical conservative college student?
