Sunday, December 30, 2007

Name dropping and some history - P.J. O'Rourke reviews Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr: "Yet Journals is so much more than gush. Its pages also crack open a hellgate to give us a peek at the eternally consuming fires of egotistic solipsism to which the soul of a liberal is forever condemned." So, then, he didn't like it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:46 AM

    When O'Rouke isn't claiming that he called the USSR's collapse in 1982, or seriously tempting fate by cackling about a writer's life's work being insignificant and forgotten, he's writing this:

    In 1945, Schlesinger went back in time to retro-behind-kiss Andrew Jackson. He wrote The Age of Jackson, glorifying the ignorant backwoods thug who perpetrated genocide upon the Indians, created the spoils system in Washington, and fathered that bastard political party of rum, rebellion, and Hillary Rodham.

    Who's P.J. kidding with his make-believe disgust? Without adoring partisans willing to glorify ignorant backwoods thugs who perpetrate genocide, promote the spoils system in Washington, and bastardize a political party, 2007 conservative pundits like O'Rourke would have no fanbase at all.
