Saturday, December 22, 2007

Man of the Year - Weekly Standard picks the anti-Putin: "Gen. David Petraeus" More from Gateway Pundit.


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    "The anti-Putin"? You mean in the sense that Putin is effective, and has his people's backing? That Putin correctly acknowledges that Iraq was, and remains, a debacle? That Putin's side is reelectable?

    Yeah, "anti-Putin" works.

  2. Actually I meant that Putin thinks baseball is a sport forever tainted by steroids while Petraeus doesn't even consider it a real sport.

  3. So, since they work so well, pooty can't fail, why aren't you living in wonderful Mother Russia? Yep, it really works. Male life expectancy is about 54, birth rates are about half what replacement takes, anyone who disagrees with Putin is liable to be killed no matter where they are in the world. Bet you thought Al Capone was great, too.

  4. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Eric: I don't know what the baseball reference is supposed to mean, but congratulations to Gen. Petraeus' surge for getting 2 runs in the bottom of the 9th to change the score from 15-1 to 15-3.

    Dave: Apparently the concept known as "joke" is a puzzling one for you. So must be "language," since you saw the word "Putin" next to the word "works," and went into a love-it-or-leave-it conniption, without realizing it simply quoted the topic ("Weekly Standard picks the anti-Putin"). You'll be happy to know that the joke did not imply a full endorsement of Russian plutocracy.

    Aww, who am I kidding? You'll NEVER be happy!

  5. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Dave, this is not a competition to see which person has yelled "AMERICA, F*** YEAH" loudest. This is a matter of INFLUENCE. Whether you like it or not, Putin has made much more difference in his country and the world than Petraeus can dream of. We won't even know if Petraeus' plans are really working until about 6 years from now.

  6. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Don't you DARE question Dave on matters of Putin and Petraeus, or about political theory in general. Dave knows a Marxist guy at work!
