Thursday, December 13, 2007

Bipartisan commission, save me!

CNN/Money has a guide called "Saving Social Security" with links to the presidential candidates and how they'd deal with the program's pending insolvency. For example, here's an excerpt from Hillary's "solution":

Proposal to pay for the funding gap: No specifics beyond saying what she won't do: cut benefits or raise the retirement age.
Bold leadership! At least Obama and Edwards have the guts to propose a tax hike, which is the wrong approach, but as a minimum addresses the heart of the problem. Mike Huckabee's plan is some foolish "wealth tax" which erases Social Security's vaunted universality. Giuliani is no better than Hillary: "Hasn't come out with a position." At least everybody agrees that political cover in the form of a bipartisan commission will fix everything. How depressing.

1 comment:

  1. Might as well use the opportunity to shill for my preferred candidate...

    Here's Fred's SS plan in some detail.
