Sunday, December 02, 2007

Amazing Race update - Counting is, like, hard

I missed the first half of tonight's leg of the Race in part because my kid's swimming practice went way long. Teams were trying to get out of Africa and find the quickest way to Vilnius, Lithuania. Near as I can tell there was another Travelocity plug as teams needed to find dwarves and then carry them to the mat. But first there was a Detour: Count it or Step up. Teams may either count fence posts along a road in a rural town, or walk a couple dozen yards on stilts. If they miscount the fence posts, teams have to start all over; if they fall over on the stilts, same deal.

Jennifer (of Team Generic Couple) provides us with a blonde moment as she's shown counting: "87, 88, 89, 100." Unsurprisingly, her fence post count is off by exactly 10. Nicholas & Donald, who arrived on a late flight to Lithuania, catch up to the other teams and start counting fence posts. However, only after counting a bunch of posts do they re-read the directions indicating that they are not to count the gates along the fence. Using some clever arithmetic, they finish counting posts then go back and subtract the parts they erroneously added. Serendipity: the plus-then-minus strategy works and they end up with the right number. In doing so, they pass Team Fun Bags who couldn't seem to master the extended sequence of 717 posts. The blondes arrive in last place and are eliminated from the Race. This was a little surprising since this is now the sixth straight leg of the Race without a non-elimination round.

Final standings:

1 - TK & Rachel - Team Birkenstock Prize: Trip to Japan
2 - Kynt & Vyxsin - Team Sexual Confusion
3 - Nathan & Jennifer - Team Generic Couple
4 - Ronald & Christina - Team Miyagi and Grasshopper
5 - Azaria & Hendekea - Team Alpha Siblings
6 - Nicolas & Donald - Team Rude Boy and Gramps
7 - Shana & Jennifer - Team Fun Bags - PHILIMINATED

Next week: Tensions rise on the powerhouse Team Alpha Siblings.

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