Monday, November 26, 2007

That is one fugly bride

From CNN: "Official: Bride, groom stopped in Iraq actually terror suspects"

Soldiers manning a checkpoint near Baghdad stopped a wedding convoy to find that the purported bride and groom were wanted terror suspects, an Iraqi Defense Ministry official said Monday.

The soldiers became suspicious of the convoy because its members -- save the "bride" -- were all male and because one of the cars in the convoy did not heed orders to stop, the official said.

Also, soldiers said, the people in the car seemed nervous and the groom refused to lift his bride's veil when soldiers asked him to, according to the official.
There are some G.I.s who will be telling this story over beers at the VFW for fifty years.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    'cept they ain't GIs. They were Iraqi soldiers -- the good guys on our side. So they are not Vets of Foreign Wars. More like MOLLUS.
