Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fred Thompson tries to energize his campaign by grabbing the third rail

Well, I applaud his effort to lead on this issue. From the WSJ: "Thompson sets Social Security view"

Although former Sen. Fred Thompson entered the presidential race late, he ventured Friday into an area few rivals have tread: advocacy of a fundamental overhaul of Social Security.

The Republican candidate laid out a detailed, four-page proposal calling for the creation of voluntary personal retirement accounts and a change in the formula for future retirees that would result in lower Social Security benefits.

It is a risky move for the former actor and lawmaker from Tennessee. He is the only presidential candidate so far to make Social Security an anchor of his campaign. Although all of the presidential candidates have spoken, when asked, about the need to fix the Social Security system, none has offered such a detailed plan nor talked so eagerly and often about the issue.
I'd like to believe there will be an honest and forthright debate on the entitlement issue, but it's ten-times more likely that Thompson will be accused of robbing Grandma. Once the Baby Boomers head into retirement, they'll have nothing else to do than collect Social Security checks and vote down benefit cuts. (HT: RCP)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Unfortunately, in order to understand just how dire the situation is, one must have a grasp of basic finance, and enough brain cells to remember that you have a grasp of finance. If there isn't a Hollywood movie about it, most Americans can't grasp that it's a problem. Just ask Al Gore.
